Saturday, April 25, 2009

Searching for Treasure

I made a much needed trip to Goodwill today. Boy am I glad I did! Looky what I found. Summer time is going to be bearable knowing I have these little guys in the freezer. 

Now, who wants to join me for a tasty beverage? Cheers!


  1. Goodwill is prolly the most amazing place that no one goes. Most of my glassware, and all my plates & bowls are from there. And I won't start on the clothes....I was gonna do a blog post about my best 10 goodwill finds ever. its still in the development stage. :)

  2. So, i was wondering what you were doing all weekend... thanks for hanging out.
    at least you made your absence worth while, frosted mugs, nothing finer. i am all ready for my invitation.
