Friday, April 17, 2009

The best things in life are free..

For a little over a year now I have been a "blogger".( I use that term very loosely)
I started blogging for two reasons... others I knew were and for 2: I was moving 17 hours away. 
I thought it would be a good way to let everyone know "What was REALLY goin on?!" according to me. If they didn't want to call I was only a mouse click away. 

When I purchased a MACBOOK (my first laptop, I love it!) I signed up for the account, they then changed it over to mobileme, creating all kinds of problems. This resulted in a lot of time on the phone with random IT guys trying to figure out why my blog was no longer posting or allowing comments. AND I PAY for this service? I had to start a new blog and lost all my past entries. I decided then, in all my angst, that I would no longer pay to be crapped on.

So here I am blogging on a free site. Let me tell you, it's pretty nice. Very easy to use...and did I mention FREE! 

It's nice to be part of this community!


  1. Success! I am a fan of free. I vote Raleigh, yes, that has nothing to do with your post.

  2. of course you vote Raleigh, I am the most funseeking gal in this town, yo! but hold that vote .. that will be another blog subject soon.

  3. smart move. welcome to blogger. it is headache-free and free. :)
