Thursday, May 28, 2009

A hug a day ...

I am a HUGE fan of hugging. I thought this article in the NY Times was interesting. Looks like the youths are changing the way we socially interact with each other one greeting at a time. I will have to say if people are giving "fake" hugs then just don't do it. I hate it when people give you a weak two pat on the back hug, just go for it, ya know? In the article is stated that Hi-Fives were.... boring... WRONG! Hi-Fives are awesome and will always be my second form of greeting if I don't feel the person wants a hug. I do however firmly so NO to the fist bump. I think a 3 second hug is good for people you don't really know but a good heartfelt embrace for a few seconds longer is what your friends should get. In the age of email, text, facebook... I agree we need something to really connect with and a hug is a perfect solution.
Now to start the kissing on the cheek wave... I love that greeting too!


  1. nice job Newsweek.

    i am a big fan of hugs. everyone should get one. the gangsta hug needs to go away. i do feel that hugging someone the first time you meet them is a little outside the current cultural norm, but good long hugs between friends is perfect. especially if they are a good hugger.

    tender moments are even better.


  2. hugs are the best.

    i do agree, and have read other articles on the problems caused by the overpopulation of hugs in schools. when you have hallways smashed full of kids, hugs everytime they see a friend can cause major traffic jams.
    but for the most part, i say the more hugs, the better.

    "Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."
    - Leo Buscaglia

  3. Middleson: I love that quote... Thanks for sharing it.
