I went to bed about 10, only to be awoken by my phone ringing at 11:30. So now... I am up. Laying here in a chilly room, windows open and my fan on to help drown the drunk girls coming home in their loud heels. Mazer is not having the problem I am with sleeping. He is OUT! Snuggled right next to me looking all cute. I need to kiss his FACE. ok ...
It's weird when you can't sleep how active your brain gets. I don't even think this much during the day. HA! Why is it so hard to turn off the thought machine. It's like a tennis ball machine in my head. Shooting thoughts faster then I can hit them, bouncing off the 4 walls of my mind.

(Side note: If I knew how to ...I thought it would be cool to edit this picture so that my thoughts listed below were actually on the tennis balls. ... well I'm lame and don't know how to . back to it the old fashion way, less creative way.)
Are these thoughts all important and life changing.... NO.
.... my future, my family,I'm hungry
my friends, my love, my career
... my inspiration, my goals, my hobbies
Mazer is still sleeping, the label, the bands releases...
timelines, it's not cold enough in here, January 1, practice space
....my singleness ... , happiness, hopeful and patient,
.....being homesick all the time, interviewing, conversations on repeat
---- why is my phone ringing AGAIN?....
got to love drunk calls and I am serious I do love em. They are the best as long as they don't involve crying or yelling. When was the last drunk dial I made?
I wonder if anyone is playing xbox?
If I get this job should I move to Chicago or wait for a DSM job?
Am I ready to be in DSM? Would it be a better business move?....
Merge Records book is really good. I want to read the MANual for a few laughs.
I don't like games but maybe I should test some out
..... I need to start exercising again, I get to drive to Ohio next Friday
I can't wait to see my sister, its almost 3am good lawd
--- it would be a miracle if the Hawks win, I gotta clean
...................... I want to sit across from a guy and actually find him interesting................
Where are all the cool/ nice /music-loving guys hiding?
I wanna learn to play bass
................I can't wait to have a 5 year celebration for Aqui Estamos Records, I need to get my updated logos
I gotta book a party...why can't I sleep?
Who doesn't like Sara Lee... Nobody doesn't!
Will I ever "grow-up"? I hope not.
......... I want to travel more......
I wonder what Dan is doing in Sweden? I can't believe he is coming back for X-mas. Tab...she's awesome. Their good for eaxh other...
I wanna be good for somebody.
I will.
man I'm actually really hungry. breakfast burrito!!!
I hope Nanny gets better soon. I need to see her.
Sounds of a swings rusty chains are floating in through my window. I need to swing!! Its been too long. ... that's relaxing, my eyes are getting heavy I guess I will try to go to sleep. zzzzzzzzz
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