Monday, November 30, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
"I'm 28 and no one can get near me for all the rubbish I'm talking"
I started watching BBC America for the NEW Doctor Who episodes... and came across this lil diddy.
HI-LARIOUS! Serious gut buster!
Here is the link for about 15mins of the show Coupling , I watched the other day. I feel like my awkwardness is just about up there sometimes. I TOTALLY relate to the "I'm rubbish at asking people out" conversation.
Watch until the end... the end had me in stitches.
HI-LARIOUS! Serious gut buster!
Here is the link for about 15mins of the show Coupling , I watched the other day. I feel like my awkwardness is just about up there sometimes. I TOTALLY relate to the "I'm rubbish at asking people out" conversation.
Watch until the end... the end had me in stitches.
Man it's chilly, Stayin in, Where's the wine?
A few months back I read one of my favorite books ever. Love is a Mixtape by Rob Sheffield. Seriously this book made me laugh out loud and cry .. really cry. There is a guy out there that loves mucic and gives 120% of himself to a girl, one girl- Renee. Here are a few passages I enjoyed.
"When we die, we will turn into songs, and we will hear each other and remember each other."
It’s the same with people who say, ‘Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.’ Even people who say this must realize that the exact opposite is true. What doesn’t kill you maims you, cripples you, leaves you weak, makes you whiny and full of yourself at the same time. The more pain, the more pompous you get. Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you incredibly annoying."
"When you stick a song on a tape, you set it free."
"But the answer is simple. Love is a mix tape."
"I had no voice to talk with because she was my whole language."
it turned out we had the same favorite Big Star song – the acoustic ballad Thirteen. She’d never heard their third album, Sister Lovers. So naturally, I told her the same thing I’d told every other woman I’d ever fallen for: “I’ll make you a tape!""
(I love this moment in the book and in my life. Its happened just a few times but its one of my best memories!)
"There are all kinds of mix tapes. there is always a reason to make one."
And so..., I am making another mixtape for a new friend. I think this is the best way to get to know someone. I've had 4 people make me a mix in my 28 years, 3 of whom I fancied at one time or another. I on the other had make mixes for many different reasons, I don't have to always fancy em .. but it is more fun when I do.
Here is what I got so far. I'm going for the "man it's chilly, stayin in, where's the wine?" Still working on the art... I might recycle the mixtape drawing I did last time. It was pretty sweet.
My Little Corner of the World - Yo La Tengo
Blue Arrangements- Silver Jews
Treacherous Ways- Pseudosix
She Can't Change- Neva Dinova
The Weight of Lies- The Avett Brothers
My Girlfriend's Boyfriend- Her Space Holiday
Zurich is Stained- Pavement
Sometimes- My Bloody Valentine
A Good Start- Maria Taylor
New Partner- Palace Music
Resurrection Fern- Iron & Wine
Where Have You Been- The Manchester Orchestra
Water From The Same Source-Rachel's *my #1 favorite song of all time.
Update: I stayed with the tape pic. Here it is.

"When we die, we will turn into songs, and we will hear each other and remember each other."
It’s the same with people who say, ‘Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.’ Even people who say this must realize that the exact opposite is true. What doesn’t kill you maims you, cripples you, leaves you weak, makes you whiny and full of yourself at the same time. The more pain, the more pompous you get. Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you incredibly annoying."
"When you stick a song on a tape, you set it free."
"But the answer is simple. Love is a mix tape."
"I had no voice to talk with because she was my whole language."
it turned out we had the same favorite Big Star song – the acoustic ballad Thirteen. She’d never heard their third album, Sister Lovers. So naturally, I told her the same thing I’d told every other woman I’d ever fallen for: “I’ll make you a tape!""
(I love this moment in the book and in my life. Its happened just a few times but its one of my best memories!)
"There are all kinds of mix tapes. there is always a reason to make one."
And so..., I am making another mixtape for a new friend. I think this is the best way to get to know someone. I've had 4 people make me a mix in my 28 years, 3 of whom I fancied at one time or another. I on the other had make mixes for many different reasons, I don't have to always fancy em .. but it is more fun when I do.
Here is what I got so far. I'm going for the "man it's chilly, stayin in, where's the wine?" Still working on the art... I might recycle the mixtape drawing I did last time. It was pretty sweet.
My Little Corner of the World - Yo La Tengo
Blue Arrangements- Silver Jews
Treacherous Ways- Pseudosix
She Can't Change- Neva Dinova
The Weight of Lies- The Avett Brothers
My Girlfriend's Boyfriend- Her Space Holiday
Zurich is Stained- Pavement
Sometimes- My Bloody Valentine
A Good Start- Maria Taylor
New Partner- Palace Music
Resurrection Fern- Iron & Wine
Where Have You Been- The Manchester Orchestra
Water From The Same Source-Rachel's *my #1 favorite song of all time.
Update: I stayed with the tape pic. Here it is.

Rise and Shine!
This morning one of the most unusually things happened to me. I am NOT a morning person ... NOT at all! However, this morning at 6:00am , I awoke. I know what you are thinking ... "ok, big deal" My alarm was set for 7:15, I hate the sound of alarms by the way, I woke up well rested and in a good mood all by myself!
Instead of jumping out of bed to start working.. since I stopped working at 10pm last night and still didn't finish what I needed to. I laid in bed... heck I am still laying in bed. What is the rush? The windows are open allowing that crisp morning fall air swirl its way in my room, making my curtains sway. It's relaxing to watch them slow dance. I cuddled with Mazer, read a bit, did the online checking of email, blogs, facebook, and mapped out my trip on Friday.
I have 30 mins before I need to walk across my apartment and step into the crazy, stressful world of underwriting, where my new business queue won't go below 56 no matter how hard I work. Deep breath, I don't want to ruin my morning of zen.
I have 30 mins left. What to do??? I think I will put on a record and make myself breakfast. It IS the most important meal of the day :)
Instead of jumping out of bed to start working.. since I stopped working at 10pm last night and still didn't finish what I needed to. I laid in bed... heck I am still laying in bed. What is the rush? The windows are open allowing that crisp morning fall air swirl its way in my room, making my curtains sway. It's relaxing to watch them slow dance. I cuddled with Mazer, read a bit, did the online checking of email, blogs, facebook, and mapped out my trip on Friday.
I have 30 mins before I need to walk across my apartment and step into the crazy, stressful world of underwriting, where my new business queue won't go below 56 no matter how hard I work. Deep breath, I don't want to ruin my morning of zen.
I have 30 mins left. What to do??? I think I will put on a record and make myself breakfast. It IS the most important meal of the day :)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
To my surprise one came just this weekend...

Can you believe it!!! I know, right! AWSOME gift. AND it came with a note so I knew who it was from and why: to help lift my spirits after the horrible day when I got a speeding ticket, didn't get that job and grandmother was rushed to the hospital... she is out and doing better btw. This seemingly small gesture put a huge smile on my face.
Thank you for thinking of me and sending me something that is super cool. NMH is one of my favorite bands. I am currently reading Our Noise the story of Merge Records.. I just finished the chapter about NMH signing on to make In the Aeroplane over the sea. Jeff reading The Diary of Anne Frank in two days and crying for three days after. It's all so interesting how he made this album and now I get to learn about it in even more detail.
THANKS my Chicago friend for the perfect cheering up gift :)

Can you believe it!!! I know, right! AWSOME gift. AND it came with a note so I knew who it was from and why: to help lift my spirits after the horrible day when I got a speeding ticket, didn't get that job and grandmother was rushed to the hospital... she is out and doing better btw. This seemingly small gesture put a huge smile on my face.
Thank you for thinking of me and sending me something that is super cool. NMH is one of my favorite bands. I am currently reading Our Noise the story of Merge Records.. I just finished the chapter about NMH signing on to make In the Aeroplane over the sea. Jeff reading The Diary of Anne Frank in two days and crying for three days after. It's all so interesting how he made this album and now I get to learn about it in even more detail.
THANKS my Chicago friend for the perfect cheering up gift :)
10 is Love
David Tennant has 3 new episodes left before he hangs his chucks up as THE DOCTOR. "The Waters of Mars" airs in the US Dec 12th. YAY!!! This one looks SWEET. The zombie type bad guys ... SCARY. I wonder if it will be as scary as "Blink" That is by far my favorite with the tenth doctor. I am a huge fan. He wins my heart every show. I am going to be sad to see him go.
"I'm the Doctor. I'm a Time Lord. I'm from the planet Gallifrey in the Constellation of Kasterborous. I'm 903 years old and I'm the man who is gonna save your lives and all 6 billion people on the planet below. You got a problem with that?" -fun facts from the episode I watched tonight "Voyage of the Damned"
No Doctor, I DON'T! :-)
Stuck in my head
This song has been stuck in my head for the last few days. Menlo has a EP out now but this song is not on it. It's on the unreleased full length scheduled to be released this spring. Can't wait!
"all I need is a lil reassurance, all I need is to know that you're with us and ohhhhhh oh baby I'll be fine"
"all I need is a lil reassurance, all I need is to know that you're with us and ohhhhhh oh baby I'll be fine"
Shannon at 7
Saturday, November 14, 2009
random oscillation
Tonight, like most nights, was pretty low key for me. I find myself bored easily when I go out so I just ... don't. Plus its been rainy and cold all week another reason to stay the heck home. I am really missing home. Thank goodness I will be going back soon for a visit. It might actually be for a few weeks, well broken up but a few weeks nonetheless.
I went to bed about 10, only to be awoken by my phone ringing at 11:30. So now... I am up. Laying here in a chilly room, windows open and my fan on to help drown the drunk girls coming home in their loud heels. Mazer is not having the problem I am with sleeping. He is OUT! Snuggled right next to me looking all cute. I need to kiss his FACE. ok ...
It's weird when you can't sleep how active your brain gets. I don't even think this much during the day. HA! Why is it so hard to turn off the thought machine. It's like a tennis ball machine in my head. Shooting thoughts faster then I can hit them, bouncing off the 4 walls of my mind.

(Side note: If I knew how to ...I thought it would be cool to edit this picture so that my thoughts listed below were actually on the tennis balls. ... well I'm lame and don't know how to . back to it the old fashion way, less creative way.)
Are these thoughts all important and life changing.... NO.
.... my future, my family,I'm hungry
my friends, my love, my career
... my inspiration, my goals, my hobbies
Mazer is still sleeping, the label, the bands releases...
timelines, it's not cold enough in here, January 1, practice space
....my singleness ... , happiness, hopeful and patient,
.....being homesick all the time, interviewing, conversations on repeat
---- why is my phone ringing AGAIN?....
got to love drunk calls and I am serious I do love em. They are the best as long as they don't involve crying or yelling. When was the last drunk dial I made?
I wonder if anyone is playing xbox?
If I get this job should I move to Chicago or wait for a DSM job?
Am I ready to be in DSM? Would it be a better business move?....
Merge Records book is really good. I want to read the MANual for a few laughs.
I don't like games but maybe I should test some out
..... I need to start exercising again, I get to drive to Ohio next Friday
I can't wait to see my sister, its almost 3am good lawd
--- it would be a miracle if the Hawks win, I gotta clean
...................... I want to sit across from a guy and actually find him interesting................
Where are all the cool/ nice /music-loving guys hiding?
I wanna learn to play bass
................I can't wait to have a 5 year celebration for Aqui Estamos Records, I need to get my updated logos
I gotta book a party...why can't I sleep?
Who doesn't like Sara Lee... Nobody doesn't!
Will I ever "grow-up"? I hope not.
......... I want to travel more......
I wonder what Dan is doing in Sweden? I can't believe he is coming back for X-mas. Tab...she's awesome. Their good for eaxh other...
I wanna be good for somebody.
I will.
man I'm actually really hungry. breakfast burrito!!!
I hope Nanny gets better soon. I need to see her.
Sounds of a swings rusty chains are floating in through my window. I need to swing!! Its been too long. ... that's relaxing, my eyes are getting heavy I guess I will try to go to sleep. zzzzzzzzz
I went to bed about 10, only to be awoken by my phone ringing at 11:30. So now... I am up. Laying here in a chilly room, windows open and my fan on to help drown the drunk girls coming home in their loud heels. Mazer is not having the problem I am with sleeping. He is OUT! Snuggled right next to me looking all cute. I need to kiss his FACE. ok ...
It's weird when you can't sleep how active your brain gets. I don't even think this much during the day. HA! Why is it so hard to turn off the thought machine. It's like a tennis ball machine in my head. Shooting thoughts faster then I can hit them, bouncing off the 4 walls of my mind.

(Side note: If I knew how to ...I thought it would be cool to edit this picture so that my thoughts listed below were actually on the tennis balls. ... well I'm lame and don't know how to . back to it the old fashion way, less creative way.)
Are these thoughts all important and life changing.... NO.
.... my future, my family,I'm hungry
my friends, my love, my career
... my inspiration, my goals, my hobbies
Mazer is still sleeping, the label, the bands releases...
timelines, it's not cold enough in here, January 1, practice space
....my singleness ... , happiness, hopeful and patient,
.....being homesick all the time, interviewing, conversations on repeat
---- why is my phone ringing AGAIN?....
got to love drunk calls and I am serious I do love em. They are the best as long as they don't involve crying or yelling. When was the last drunk dial I made?
I wonder if anyone is playing xbox?
If I get this job should I move to Chicago or wait for a DSM job?
Am I ready to be in DSM? Would it be a better business move?....
Merge Records book is really good. I want to read the MANual for a few laughs.
I don't like games but maybe I should test some out
..... I need to start exercising again, I get to drive to Ohio next Friday
I can't wait to see my sister, its almost 3am good lawd
--- it would be a miracle if the Hawks win, I gotta clean
...................... I want to sit across from a guy and actually find him interesting................
Where are all the cool/ nice /music-loving guys hiding?
I wanna learn to play bass
................I can't wait to have a 5 year celebration for Aqui Estamos Records, I need to get my updated logos
I gotta book a party...why can't I sleep?
Who doesn't like Sara Lee... Nobody doesn't!
Will I ever "grow-up"? I hope not.
......... I want to travel more......
I wonder what Dan is doing in Sweden? I can't believe he is coming back for X-mas. Tab...she's awesome. Their good for eaxh other...
I wanna be good for somebody.
I will.
man I'm actually really hungry. breakfast burrito!!!
I hope Nanny gets better soon. I need to see her.
Sounds of a swings rusty chains are floating in through my window. I need to swing!! Its been too long. ... that's relaxing, my eyes are getting heavy I guess I will try to go to sleep. zzzzzzzzz
Monday, November 9, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
chuckle chuckle
I had a pretty bad day yesterday. Bad things come in threes? Well for me they do.
Strike 2 -didn't get that job
Called mom to let her know .. she told me my Nanny was in the hospital
Driving to an agency appointment... GOT a speeding ticket. Normally this would not be THAT big of a deal except I drive a company car and this is my 2nd one in 2 years. Driving School for me most likely and one more... no job. =STRESSED!
Needless to say my eyes were a bit sweaty yesterday. (I'm not crying it just raining on my face)
Today, I'm not 100% but well on my way, THANKS to some awesome friends calling me to talk it out and offering kind loving words on top on my AMAZING family doing the same. My friend, Tab, came over after I declined an invitation to go out for drinks. She brought a bottle of wine and I got three movies. We were both in pj's enjoying the comfy couches while also enjoying the hottie Gael Garcia Bernald on the screen. I LOVE ALL MY FRIENDS/FAMILY ya'll are the best! Especially Dan for making time to call from Sweden!!! Seriously it warmed my heart.
This is the time when its so important to remind myself to laugh ... well Mazer is making that easy today. I am just working away and I look down to find this going on. International Fleet Commander MAZER battles ... DUST PARTICLES!!! HA!
Strike 2 -didn't get that job
Called mom to let her know .. she told me my Nanny was in the hospital
Driving to an agency appointment... GOT a speeding ticket. Normally this would not be THAT big of a deal except I drive a company car and this is my 2nd one in 2 years. Driving School for me most likely and one more... no job. =STRESSED!
Needless to say my eyes were a bit sweaty yesterday. (I'm not crying it just raining on my face)
Today, I'm not 100% but well on my way, THANKS to some awesome friends calling me to talk it out and offering kind loving words on top on my AMAZING family doing the same. My friend, Tab, came over after I declined an invitation to go out for drinks. She brought a bottle of wine and I got three movies. We were both in pj's enjoying the comfy couches while also enjoying the hottie Gael Garcia Bernald on the screen. I LOVE ALL MY FRIENDS/FAMILY ya'll are the best! Especially Dan for making time to call from Sweden!!! Seriously it warmed my heart.
This is the time when its so important to remind myself to laugh ... well Mazer is making that easy today. I am just working away and I look down to find this going on. International Fleet Commander MAZER battles ... DUST PARTICLES!!! HA!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Sugar Daddy?

I recently started playing BioShock. It's in my opinion harder then Resident Evil 5. It's got a spectacular view, kinda feels like you are playing a movie. I have had to start over once already because unlike RE5 the missions are not as clear and if you kill someone too soon ... well you are pretty much screwed.
Meet my nemesis:
The Big Daddies are mentally conditioned armed escorts to the Little Sisters (see picture) little girls that are WACK until you either harvest them or save them. I have chosen to save them. They are BAD A@@ too. So far I have encountered 5 of them, dying every time. They rush you like a football player and pretty much wipe you out. The drill... and the rockets.. well it's no easy task my friend to destroy a Big Daddy. I need read that if you have a certain plasma you can make them "friendly" meaning they will attack others for you. I will be looking for that gem of a plasma ASAP!
Overall its a fun game. A bit stressful... and harder then I am used to. I know with a bit of time I too will get the credits rolling.

I recently started playing BioShock. It's in my opinion harder then Resident Evil 5. It's got a spectacular view, kinda feels like you are playing a movie. I have had to start over once already because unlike RE5 the missions are not as clear and if you kill someone too soon ... well you are pretty much screwed.
Meet my nemesis:
The Big Daddies are mentally conditioned armed escorts to the Little Sisters (see picture) little girls that are WACK until you either harvest them or save them. I have chosen to save them. They are BAD A@@ too. So far I have encountered 5 of them, dying every time. They rush you like a football player and pretty much wipe you out. The drill... and the rockets.. well it's no easy task my friend to destroy a Big Daddy. I need read that if you have a certain plasma you can make them "friendly" meaning they will attack others for you. I will be looking for that gem of a plasma ASAP!
Overall its a fun game. A bit stressful... and harder then I am used to. I know with a bit of time I too will get the credits rolling.
Monday, November 2, 2009
"I never said it was mine
I was just holding it.
If i was lonely all this time
Well, i didn't know it
And if i tried too hard
I'd probably blow it
The rest is just a guess
If we lost some time
Then we'll make it up
I never said that it was time
I was just hoping it
If i was always on your mind
Well, you didn't show it
But when i'd shut my eyes
You'd always know it
The rest could be the best
And if it's all just luck
It was tough enough
If we lost some time
Then we'll make it up, up
And a heart that grieves
Gets lost in everything
And a heart in need
Finds hope in anything
If it's all just luck
It was tough enough
And if we lost some time
Then we'll make it up,
~Maria Taylor LOST TIME
If i was lonely all this time
Well, i didn't know it
And if i tried too hard
I'd probably blow it
The rest is just a guess
If we lost some time
Then we'll make it up
I never said that it was time
I was just hoping it
If i was always on your mind
Well, you didn't show it
But when i'd shut my eyes
You'd always know it
The rest could be the best
And if it's all just luck
It was tough enough
If we lost some time
Then we'll make it up, up
And a heart that grieves
Gets lost in everything
And a heart in need
Finds hope in anything
If it's all just luck
It was tough enough
And if we lost some time
Then we'll make it up,
~Maria Taylor LOST TIME
Don't mess with me!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Thrill the world: A tribute to Michael Jackson
Thrill the world: A tribute to Michael Jackson
First off... How the heck did I not hear about this!!!! Second off: I can't believe I didn't hear about this!!!!
I so would have done it! Cuz this is THRILLER!
First off... How the heck did I not hear about this!!!! Second off: I can't believe I didn't hear about this!!!!
I so would have done it! Cuz this is THRILLER!
leggo my logo!
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